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Lobsters & Drawings

Writer: t.noblet.noble

December 2005

I remembered two separate yet equally bizarre dreams. The first: about viscous lobsters, or lobster/scorpion type creatures.

I was with my family on some sort of holiday fishing expedition. We were at a house and being given a tour of what it held. It was a tall house, and when you entered the first thing you saw on one wall was a bunk, with a window and two walls that led out to an ocean. The room opened to an ocean. Then we were led up stairs to another room, which also opened up to either an ocean or lake, each room had a different shoreline, but was still a room with a window and bed type thing on the other side. There were other floors with similar make up. However, from the second floor up, there were a growing amount of lobster type creatures. Gray/blue ones at first and then red ones, which were larger, then the others. They said to stay away from the red ones, but that was hard as one was chasing me. I made my way up the bunk bed but it's claw caught my leg, and scratched me. I climbed further, and waited until it was safe to come down. I ran to find my sister and parents to tell them of the viscous lobsters, but they didn't believe me. Even after I showed them the cut on my leg.

There was more to that dream, but that is all I can vividly recall.

The second dream I had was in some sort of classroom. I was seated at a long, wide table. All of us sat on one side, and artwork was strewn across the table. A person in front of me was demonstrating picture framing and matting techniques and colour theory. I corrected him on a few things (I was a picture framer for a long time), and he agreed with the corrections. My boss came in and sat beside me. A few people I used to know from my school days were also sitting at the table. Then my artwork was pulled from the pile. The man was now an older, large/tall woman, and she was critiqueing my artwork. The thing of this dream was I can recall in great detail this art that I did. It was a charcoal drawing. There was a profile of a face on it, and I think a wolf profile as well, but in between was a lot of noise that when studied closely, turned out to be a mountain scene, with a road, winding, and a town nestled in the mountains. When you noticed this and studied it closely, the scene came to life, and you could hear the noise of children playing, and of cars and of wind in the trees. Everyone agreed they could hear it, but my boss could not and dismissed it, waving it away. He only looked for 30 seconds though, and i pointed out his impatience to him.

The woman then chastised the other students for not doing any artwork yet and started throwing caramel candies at us. Little ones for the people who hadn't done any work and I got a large one for doing my work. Large candy was my reward.

That is all I can recall of that one before waking for good.



Trish Noble

Writer, Artist, Dreamer.

I design, write, and generally have fun

experimenting and creating things.

Even if I suck at it.

I am a Jungian enthusiast and avid dreamer.

I have four cats.  They all think I'm crazy.

© Trisha Noble - all rights reserved.

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