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The Dreaming Pool

The collected Prose, Articles, Dreams & Artwork of Trish Noble


Prose & Poetry for Perusal

A collection of shorter poems, and longer prose.  This work dates back many years, and I am currently adding to this collecetion daily; working my way towards longer form writing.  

Articles of interest and passion.

They are not meant to offend or oppress, merely express.  They are not wrote or determined, take them as is.



Articles, Opinions, Journal entries.  A place for writing of no particular description.



Narratives of my Nighttime wanderings.

Dreams have always been, and always will be an important part of my psyche and soul.  They can be fantastical and are often are a source of inspiration.

Gallery of Selected Paintings

Trish Noble

Writer, Artist, Dreamer.

I design, write, and generally have fun

experimenting and creating things.

Even if I suck at it.

I am a Jungian enthusiast and avid dreamer.

I have four cats.  They all think I'm crazy.

© Trisha Noble - all rights reserved.

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